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Summer is coming quietly, and the high temperature and humidity will threaten the normal management and operation of the ranch again. Dairy cows suffering from heat stress will have a series of problems such as decreased reproductive performance, decreased immunity, decreased milk production and decreased milk quality. How to manage the pasture and raise the cows during heat stress is a challenge for every rancher.

l 不要紧张——热应激是可以预防的

 Don't stress - heat stress is preventable

炎热的夏季会对奶牛造成伤害,找到能减轻奶牛热应激的方法可以防止产奶量的下降,并维持牛群的健康。热中性区是奶牛最喜欢的理想温度范围。在爱荷华州立大学的网络推广研讨会上,农业工程师Brian Dougherty提到,奶牛适宜的最佳温度范围为40-70℉(约4-21℃)。

Hot summers can take a toll on cows, and finding ways to reduce heat stress in cows can prevent a drop in milk production and maintain the health of the herd. The thermoneutral zone is the ideal temperature range that cows like best. In a webinar at Iowa State University, agricultural engineer Brian Dougherty mentioned that the optimal temperature range for cows is 40°F-70°F (about 4°C-21°C).

l 什么情况下使用自然通风

 When to use natural ventilation

牛舍的通风有很多选择,来自MRCVSNigel Cook认为这些通风系统都可以非常有效地运作。与此同时,他认为任何系统也可能因为设计而失败。为了给你的牛舍设计合适的通风系统,“与那些知道自己在做什么的人合作,做出好的选择。” Nigel CookHoards Dairyman网络研讨会上说。“如何选择设计通风系统受到很多因素的影响,”他继续说。对于一种特定的情景,通风系统的设计可能取决于气候、牛舍布局、经济效益等因素。牧场员工是否定期清理和维护风扇也需要被考虑在内。

There are many options for ventilation in a cowshed, and Nigel Cook from MRCVS believes that these ventilation systems can all work very efficiently. At the same time, he believes that any system can also fail by design. To design the right ventilation system for your cowshed, "work with people who know what they're doing and make good choices," Nigel Cook said in a Hoard's Dairyman webinar. "How you choose to design a ventilation system is influenced by many factors," he continued. For a particular scenario, the design of the ventilation system may depend on factors such as climate, barn layout, economics, etc. Whether the ranch staff regularly cleans and maintains the fans also needs to be considered.

l 热应激可不止降低产奶量这么简单

 Heat stress can do more than reduce milk production


In July, high temperature and high humidity came quietly, followed by heat stress in dairy cows. Fortunately, several coping strategies can help ranchers mitigate the risks associated with heat stress and limit its longterm effects. During summer and early fall, many ranchers experience elevated somatic cell counts (SCC) in lactating cows. During such seasons, there is a marked drop in milk production in the herd as cows spend more time standing or lying down in cooler areas and less time eating. Heat stress can lead to elevated levels of stress hormones that interfere with the immune system's defenses against pathogenic bacteria.

l 青年围产牛也需要降温

 Young perinatal cow also need to cool down


Heat stress is known to reduce feed intake and milk production in lactating cows. However, heat stress can also have a significant effect on dry off milk cows, did you know that? In dry-off milk cows exposed to heat stress, lactation performance is impaired because mammary gland growth is affected later in gestation. Heat stress in dry-off milk cows costs the industry $800 million in the U.S., so more and more ranchers are cooling dry off milk cows to keep them are protected from heat stress. However, few ranchers use cooling measures for young perinatal cows that have not yet calved, which is wrong, and young perinatal cows also need protection from cooling measures.

l 为犊牛提供降温措施

 Provide cooling measures for calves


Heat stress presents challenges in all aspects. For calves, heat stress management should also be a concern for ranchers. Young calves face unique challenges in several ways. The calf has an immature lung system and limited water or dry matter intake, making it more difficult for the calf to reduce its internal heat load. For dairy cows, panting is one of the main heat exchange mechanisms in the body, while for calves, the lungs are underdeveloped, and the heat dissipation efficiency of this method is lower than that of adult cows. Panting will increase the excretion of carbon dioxide from the body and reduce the amount of bicarbonate in saliva, and therefore a higher risk of developing metabolic acidosis.

l 快速识别热应激的早期迹象

 Quickly identify early signs of heat stress


Heat stress can have serious negative effects on animal performance, such as decreased milk production, decreased reproductive performance, and decreased daily gain. Cattle and small ruminants exposed to heat stress have behavioral changes such as shortness of breath, increased respiratory rate, profuse sweating, decreased lying time, decreased ruminant activity, and decreased feed intake.

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